介绍: Bosutinib (SKI-606) is a potent c-Abl, Bcr-Abl, and Src-Abl kinase inhibitor, shown to effectively interfere with the progress of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). In a competitive study with Imatinib, Bosutinib was shown to inhibit Bcr-Abl kinase activ眡Ỵ眢㟞眠腙盦癨걸ܡƝܡĀ㺣盤帉盤Ѐ瑖散ﰼ៸ੀܡĀਿ彿敤奋敤巫敤隨ੀꚀੀ彿敤ꙴੀ塚敤Ꚁੀꍈ敩៸ੀ學敤漸敩圔敤៸ੀ圞敤圭敤ﰼ싚WƝ Ɲᅅ癘ƛ걸ܡ䐺盤暼癨걸ܡƝ 걸ܡp㺣盤걸ܡﰼ걼ܡ䀷盥걼ܡγ걼ܡ㵶盥걼ܡᠬੀ䀹Item꜄ੀCountﱔ
储存条件: RT
外观: 固体
溶解性: Soluble in methanol, DMSO (≥15 mg/ml), and ethanol (25 mM). Very poorly soluble in water. Maximum solubility in plain water is e
用途: A c-Abl, Src-Abl, and Bcr-Abl inhibitor